Friday, October 22, 2010

Tweet Tweet!

     What’s wrong with taking a risk right? Although some people might not think it’s as cool as jumping off of a bridge, it won’t kill you either. Twitter is a completely new experience for me. I believe I have learned some valuable lessons from it as well. (It also hasn’t killed me!)
      My Twitter account at!/kmupah is a quick way of contacting people. Everything about Twitter was new to me, so I learned about everything. Twitter is a quick way to see what other people are doing, thoughts they may have on certain topics, how they are feeling, etc. Social networking is as important as ever in today’s society. People communicate with each other without even seeing each other nowadays. It is actually really crazy to think about it though! I remember just a few years ago I would talk on a phone, in my home, on one with a cord. A couple years after that I was getting my first cell phone to use to call my parents to get a ride home from sports practices. Because of all of the use of cell phones laws have been put into place so I can’t use my phone while driving. Recently phones have become even more sophisticated with internet on cell phones.
     Wow! Technology is just amazing! Internet is so fast. Twitter is just one quick way of seeing what others are doing in the world around you. Twitter is also a more effective way of communicating professionally. This article titled College Student’s Guide: Twitter 101 located at tells readers about how to effectively communicate with others now that they are college students. This article also warns people about scams, what to post on their Twitter account, how to speak with others on Twitter. It also tells readers about valuing the power of Twitter. They give advice of asking meaningful questions, adding value to things you say, and to not scam people. (Well, duh.)   
     Networking is so important with most activities, including getting jobs in today’s world. It is important to start being professional now. What I do now will affect the future. As the age old quote says, “it’s not what you know it’s who you know.” (Although, I think that saying is important however you rearrange it!)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A "Hole" in One!!!!

            I remember yelling at my Mom, very annoyed, “It just won’t work, Mom!” I was attempting one of various recipes to exhibit at the county fair. Making bagels was one of the most challenging and difficult foods I’ve ever made. After the first time I was determined to make this breakfast bread look the way I wanted it to.
            In my opinion, the only problem when making homemade bagels is that there usually is a missing signature piece to the bagel, the hole. The first time when I tried the bagel recipe I stretched and stretched the bread, trying to make sure it would stay in that shape. No matter how much I pulled, and stretched, I could never win that tug of war. I was so frustrated my bagels didn’t look like the ones people brought at Kwik Star! For this task I had to really screw on my thinking cap for a light bulb to click. After many cumbersome trials I didn’t surrender. I found out that if I stuck wooden dowels that had been soaked in water for twenty four plus hours, and individually wrapped in pieces of tin foil that were pulled out just at the right time of the boiling, baking, and broiling procedure the bagels came out with an almost perfect hole!
            I felt like this was a time when I did my best because I never gave up. I always tried my hardest while making 4-H projects because it was so important to me to do well. When I finally figured out how to make a hole in my bagels I felt a sense of accomplishment and relief. I tried that recipe so many times, (not to mention, took hours!) and wanted a great end product that looked good. I felt a sense of relief because I finally had a project completed that I could use for the county fair.
            This experience was just a step in my life. I can say that it was not a that important of a time where it made a huge impact, but it did make an impact on my life. Now that I have experienced a time in my life when I have accomplished a somewhat challenging task I know now that I can be persistent with challenging classes, projects, etc… and still be successful. This is especially common with the fact that I am now in college. 4-H was something that was very important to me from elementary school all the way through high school. I have now replaced   4-H with college. I see college as a very important time in my life, and I want to be successful.
            From making a bagels from a recipe I learned to never give up. When running into problems in this recipe persistence and patience was key. This concept not only applies to baking, but in everyday life as well. As Winston Churchill once said, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” I believe this quote is very similar to my life in college, and the problems I have encountered and might encounter in college.